العب مع العلم ... استمتع بها
“كان في السابق الحلم.و بالعزم والتصميم ،
تحول الحلم إلى واقع ملموس…
مبروك ل فلسطين على هذا الشرف العلمي”
مزعارف الحسيني/ مؤسس
بيت العلوم و التكنولوجيا
Dedicated to establishing the National Science and Technology Museum
Birzeit-Old Town, Palestine
Sa’adeh Science and Technology House:
The Science and Technology House is a dynamic body that follows the developments and phenomena of the scientific, engineering, and technology aspects in our everyday lives. These phenomena are presented to the house’s visitors (children and adults) in an interactive manner that guarantees the visitors’ engagement in the process of knowledge acquisition, and guarantees the visitors’ entertainment with science and technology.
The science house is considered an extracurricular educational institution that assists educators in channeling true knowledge to children in practical and exiting manner. It is also a place to have fun and spend vacation days for it contains various sections that are of interest to all ages and educational levels.
The Science House is named after Sa’adeh family because this prestigious family from Birzeit has donated its old house for 15 years to be renovated and used by Al Nayzak Organization.
Establishment Journey:
The initiative of establishing and operating the first Science and Technology House in Palestine comes as a continuation of Al Nayzak’s efforts in building a generation of critical thinkers who depend in their everyday life on scientific and practical learning. Further, it supports the organization’s attempts providing additional interactive and hands-on scientific resources. This constitutes a pilot project prior to the establishment of the National Science and Technology Museum in Palestine
In spite of this achievement of establishing the Science and Technology House, Al Nayzak believes that this is the first stage toward its ultimate dream of establishing the National Science and Technology Museum in Palestine.
The Science House’s Sections:
The house is divided into spaces and halls that differ in color, design and atmosphere in order to cope with the house’s sections:
Physics and Astronomy Section: How come airplanes don’t fall off the sky? How do satellites work? How do they acquire energy? Stargazing during the afternoon hours, studying air pressure and its details and more.
Chemistry and Medicine Section: How is medicine produced? Why do we take the anti-biotic? Medicine everywhere…etc.
This section is sponsored by Birzeit Pharmaceutical Company
Telecommunications Section: How does cell-phone work? Who is afraid of it? Why?
This section is sponsored by Palestine Cellular Communication Company Jawwal
Robotics Laboratory “Behind Wires”: An interactive robotics, electronics, and electricity laboratory to build electronic circuits, build and program robots, and construct innovative projects.
Astronomical Observatory: Observing the Sunspots during the day, and the stars and planets in the evening using modern and advanced telescopes.
Multipurpose Hall: For conducting workshops, and scientific 3D cinema. It will include advanced projection methods for projecting fascinating and amusing scientific films and experiments.
Scientific Theatre: live interactive stage performance that combines drama and comedy with science, technology, and engineering.
Science Garden: An external garden which contains distinguished interactive exhibits in mechanics and waves fields, and offers a creative space for special activities.
This section is sponsored by PalTel Group Foundation for Community Development
Visit the Science and Technology House:
Organized groups from different organizations, universities and schools can visit the Science House, as well as individuals and families.
In addition to general tours, visitors can book one of the following activities:
Science Birthdays
Science Fun Days
Specialized course
The Science House’s activities are for Children ages 5-100 years.
Visiting Hours:
October 1st – April 30th
Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday, and Thursday 09:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m.
May 1st – September 30th
Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday, and Thursday 09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 07:00 p.m.
No visiting hours on:
Monday and Friday
Official Holidays
Daily entrance fee per person is as follows:
Individuals 15 NIS
Groups (10+) 12 NIS
Families (Up to 5) 50 NIS
Children under 6 years Free
Book your visit:
For Schools and Groups visits, please book your visit in advance by calling the Science House
02–2819523 / 02–2814090, or by the online booking.