AlNayzak Organization

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Al Nayzak in partnership with Enabel, the Belgian development agency, completed a four day training session for teachers from seven  Jerusalem schools on Fab Labs as educational transdisciplinary learning spaces. The workshops covered pedagogical theory on transdisciplinarity, design thinking and practical hands on practice on the various equipment used (3D Printing, VR, Robotics…etc). This is the first phase of training with another set of workshops scheduled to take place on each school campus. FabLabs have entered schools as spaces for students to engage in a concept based hands on inquiry and engage with their teachers in design thinking.

AlNayzak Organization

AlNayzak is an independent educational and scientific organization founded in Jerusalem in 2003. It is a non-profit, non-partisan organization specializing in education, mentoring and research in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and other educational and applied sciences and Vocational and Technical Training (TVET). Through its work, AlNayzak empowers innovation and entrepreneurship.

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