AlNayzak Organization

إعلان طرح عطاء / مناقصة “أعمال تشطيب واحة الابداع المقدسية – المرحلة الرابعة”

إعلان طرح عطاء / مناقصة “أعمال تشطيب واحة الابداع المقدسية – المرحلة الرابعة” تقوم مؤسسة النيزك وبتمويل من الاتحاد الأوروبي ومركز تطوير المؤسسات الاهلية والصندوق العربي للأنماء الاقتصادي والاجتماعي، بطرح عطاء المرحلة الرابعة لأعمال التشطيب في مشروع واحة الابداع المقدسية

WB-2025-01 إعلان طرح مناقصة/عطاء نقل ومواصلات

إعلان طرح مناقصة/عطاء نقل ومواصلات WB-2025-01 تقوم مؤسسة النيزك بدعم من الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية USAID والمُنفّذ بالشراكة مع Creative Associate International -BEA  بطرح مناقصة/عطاءWB/2025/01 ، وذلك وفق وثائق العطاء وجدول المناطق والشروط العامة بالمشروع، وعليه ترغب مؤسسة النيزك في

Request For Proposals (RFP) Yalla Neqra ( Platform Development – Tender Reference Number: RM/24/01

To whom it may concerns,At AlNayzak Organization, we are delighted to extend an invitation to software development companies to participate in enhancing our “Yalla Neqra” (YN) platform. As a distinguished leader in educational and scientific endeavors, our mission is to

High Ranking NASA Delegation Visits Al Nayzak Organization

A high-ranking delegation from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) visited Al Nayzak Organization at its Science and Technology House on the first of Feb 2023. The delegation was led by Associate Administrator and astronaut Robert Cabana. Mr. Cabana

Eng. Aref Husseini and Al Nayzak Organization Win the Schwab Social Innovator of the Year 2023 Award at the World Economic Forum

Davos, Switzerland. Engineer Aref Husseini, Founder and CEO of Al Nayzak Organization received the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship Social Innovator of the Year Award in a ceremony attended by over 1600 international dignitaries, diplomats and professionals. This award comes

Yousef Sabbah

“I am Yousuf Sabbah, a student who always seeks challenge and change in his life. I always felt unique, and quirky and wanted to get the chance that my reality deprived me of basically seeing the world outside. Until I

Shueib Khweis

“I am very surprised from how much two years can make you grow.”.

Rani Joudeh

“Coming to Northwestern used to be a dream, now it is my lifestyle.”.

Noura Attili

“MIT’s Great Dome: A symbol of the ideals of education and excellence, but for me, crossing through it between classes, it is a constant reminder that hard work pays off.”

AlNayzak Organization

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