AlNayzak Organization

Yousef Sabbah

“I am Yousuf Sabbah, a student who always seeks challenge and change in his life. I always felt unique, and quirky and wanted to get the chance that my reality deprived me of basically seeing the world outside. Until I

Shueib Khweis

“I am very surprised from how much two years can make you grow.”.

Rani Joudeh

“Coming to Northwestern used to be a dream, now it is my lifestyle.”.

Noura Attili

“MIT’s Great Dome: A symbol of the ideals of education and excellence, but for me, crossing through it between classes, it is a constant reminder that hard work pays off.”

AlNayzak Organization
Abdalrahman Abunimer

Abedrahman Abunimer

“During my past days in UWC I improved my previous skills and I gained new knowledge and experience that will be hard to forget”.

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