Innovation Labs
In order to provide creative spaces for Adolescents participating in the program, six innovation labs were established in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza. These labs aim to urge students to think research and suggest solutions for the problems they face, before designing and leading initiatives and pioneer projects that can serve the Palestinian society.
Innovation Labs gather creative students in a suitable environment and provide them with an extra space to work outside their schools. The labs include the needed facilities for thinking, team work, and effective communication leading students to new and innovative ideas for them to lead their initiatives and make a positive change in their societies. Innovation labs were designed to provide electronic and technological equipment and furniture where students find a convenient environment to work and create.
In corporation with municipalities and local institutes, six Innovation Labs were established in Gaza, Hebron, Dura, Jerusalem, Nablus and Abu Dis, in order to serve students and pioneers in different areas.
You can use Innovation labs in your area through using a “Badir” card and by previous reservation through the following numbers:
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