Over the past years, Al Nayzak successfully integrated different technologies into creating innovative and inspiring educational opportunities for adolescents in Palestine, as it played a significant role in rehabilitating technological infrastructure and re-designing educational learning tools.
To continue its journey, Al Nayzak in partnership with UNICEF, MoHE and with the support of the Japanese Government launches DEAL – Digital Entrepreneurship Adolescence Leaders-. Through DEAL, Al Nayzak employs coding as a tool to develop teachers and students life skills, including creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision- making, cooperation, self-management, communication, participation and empathy.
Moreover, Al Nayzak is integrating gamification of learning as a tool to motivate students and teachers to learn by using video game design, game elements and e-training in their learning environments. DEAL will target 10,000 students and 300 teachers in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza Strip.